Thursday, September 26, 2013

#ETLEAD Mentoring Proposal

Amber Hanson
Ed Tech Leadership

Essential Question: What is the goal of my mentor project?

Mentoring Proposal


For my mentoring project I plan on mentoring a coworker (the other 3rd grade teacher at my site) on how to incorporate the tech based presentations and manipulative available for our math curriculum. This is her first year teaching in 3rd grade, and prior to that she taught 2nd and only taught math using the document camera.  Last year I used the presentation tool and felt it was valuable in terms of instruction, as well as way to engage students in their own learning. 

Timeline and Plan

Beginning September 30th mentoring will begin. During this time I will help her create her teacher account online, as well as go through the steps in how to add students to her ‘class’. I will also introduce the other aspects of the site, including where to locate the presentations, manipulative tools (Tools4Math) and online test generator (ExamView Test Generator)
I will also model to the teacher how the lesson should flow while using this interactive presentation.  If the teacher would like, I would also be willing to model these new tools within this teacher’s classroom on a lesson of her choosing. After such modeling we will collaborate on how the lesson went and what tools the teacher would like to try, and which ones they need more explanation on.
From there, depending on how she feels, we will make a goal in which the teacher will teach at least one lesson using this new presentation tool.  The following week we will reflect on how the lesson went and what our next steps will be.  I plan on holding weekly meetings with my teaching partner to evaluate/reflect on the success of the prior weeks lessons as well as create new goals for the upcoming week. Currently I do now have a set end date. I will provide mentoring as long as it is needed.

Data Collection

Data will be collected in a variety of ways.  Most of it will be observation and recorded through anecdotal notes.  The teacher will also begin a reflection tool to record how they feel about this shift, what worked well, what didn’t and what they would like to work on next.  This reflective journal will be a useful tool to refer back to when conducting our weekly collaboration meeting.  
Additional data that will be gathered will include daily practice and testing results. The teacher will also need to keep a journal on students noting the overall engagement with the new tool. 

Resources that will be used


  1. Interesting idea. What math program do you use?

  2. Our district uses EnVision by Pearson.

  3. I was wondering the same thing! I teach third grade but we use Math Expressions, (which leaves a lot to be desired). Good luck with your mentoring project! It is so important for teachers to have a mentor when they start a new grade level or program, even if they are not new to instruction or teaching.

  4. Amber, I found out you were mentoring Envision by reading Hallie's blog. We use Envision as well and it made me think about how I have already been mentoring my 4th grade and 5th grade team teachers in using the program.

    Our district is being proactive and pushing us to create lessons aligned with Common Core. Since Envision has 20 modules there has been a lot of concern about what to do with all of the lessons that Common Core doesn't address.

    My perspective is that although Common Core for 5th grade emphasizes fractions, there are a lot of fundamental ideas that need to be understood before fraction instruction can occur. I'm not teaching all of the modules from Lesson 1-5 but I am picking and choosing lessons that will build knowledge for understanding fractions.

    The units for shapes, geometry, and measurement for example will be saved for next semester in order for students to be prepared for the final SBA exam (hallelujah!) in April.

    Are you teaching the modules with fidelity?

    Did you know that Envision has supplemental Common Core lessons embedded in the Teacher section? If you do, have you used them?

    1. This year the other 3rd grade teacher and I are actually co-teaching. I gave her the option of teaching Mathematics to all our 3rd grade (leveling them-hi and low) or teaching Science/Social Studies. She chose Mathematics, therefore I am teaching Science/Social Studies. Right now, she is teaching the modules with fidelity. I actually didn't know that Envision has supplemental Common Core lessons embedded in the Teacher Section, I'll have to take a look! Thank you for that resource, that is definitely something I can use to help mentor my teacher. Thanks again!

  5. Have you used the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics site?
    Their manipulatives are great as well as some lessons that can be done on the SmartBoard or other interactive whiteboards. Students could also use them for practice. Their site is

    1. I haven't used that website actually, I'll take a look at it this week. We have a SmartBoard, so I'm sure there are several useful tools she can use within her classroom. Thank you for the resource :)

  6. Amber,
    I think it is wonderful that you are helping a teacher improve her math instruction. I am a math person, and so I love it. Sometimes the "other resources" and manipulatives can be too much, but they are there for a reason, and not using them at all is not as effective way to teach. So, thank you for helping her.

    Also, have you ever used illuminations from NCTM? There are some great activities there.

    Another wonderful online math manipulative resource is National Library of Virtual Manipulatives - from Utah State University -

    1. I havent used illumination from NCTM, but another teacher suggested this resource in an earlier post, and the fact that you mention it as well definitely gives it merit. I will also take a look at the other resource you posted from National Library of Virtual Manipulatives. Thank you for your help!
